Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Life is scary right now. I am awaiting the results of the biopsy on my mole. He said it could be melanoma or an atypical mole. Please be in prayer. :(

Saturday, July 2, 2011

This coming week is full of momentous occasions.

1. I turn 26 Monday. Sad, but true. Is that a wrinkle on my forehead? Why yes. Yes it is.
2. I go back to the endocrinologist for a check up on the ol' thryoid. Nervous about this for SURE.
3. I found a suspicious mole on my back and am going to get it checked out!
4. I get to start figuring out how I want my very own preschool class layed out. It's gonna be a cute one.

I hope I am in your thoughts and prayers this upcoming week. There are a lot of things that I am scared about and nervous about. I just really want to get through it ALL with flying colors. God has a plan for all - but I hope it's ALL good. :)