Wednesday, June 22, 2011

I feel like I am in a rut. Have you ever been there?

I guess the fact that I am turning 26 in a few short weeks has thrown me for a loop. Am I doing what I was meant to do? I know for a FACT, the main thing I want to do is be a good Christian loving wife to my husband. I want to be a mommy, raising and taking care of some cute little hobbits. I want to do my art and make my little business grow. I think it's time I get back on the wagon. Get going on my health, my business, my marriage, everything! Life is too short! I want to get closer to Lord and in turn everything else just falls into place. (ALTHOUGH- I did find a small wrinkle on my forehead. eek. That's another post for reals. Ah!)


  1. I'm with you... My birthday is coming up too! I go through these little phases as well. I think it's good, keeps me in check :-) I mentioned your cute little shop on my blog today, I hope that is okay!

  2. It's rough getting older. Makes me sad. Thank you for mentioning my page.. I am trying to put my stuff up on this, as well as my etsy/facebook!
