Thursday, June 23, 2011

True Life - my sister is a better artist than me.

My sister is a talented artist. She JUST needs to get out there and start doing it more! She can paint a bouquet of roses and it look completely life-like. It's crazy and somewhat annoying that she is so good, (kidding). She really has to find the confidence in what she does and sell it. Find the THING that she LOVES to do and work at it! For reals. Look what she did for my dad's basement/shop.

Her and her husband sanded, stained, painted, stenciled. Then they added eye hooks on the back. It looks like a "beach-driftwood/old timey thing".

That is my encouragement to you as you go about your day. Find what you love and do it. Don't keep procrastinating and making up excuses. GO FOR IT. Even if it's silly and random. God wants you to be fulfilled in your life and to enjoy it. Find that craft, hobby, workout or whatever it is - and DO IT!

P.S -- post coming about my MOM'S talent. It's crazy. My family has insane craftiness in their bodies.

1 comment:

  1. uno: I love the new blog facelift. It looks good and I see you finally got it right:)

    dos: you and Josh are mega cute and that's a good photo of you 2

    tres: I want to see more of your sister's art and can't wait to see what your mom did

    Happy Thursday
